Shell Of A City

Recorded in Naarm, ‘Shell Of A City’ reframes the architecture as an instrument, in a concrète procession. Durational contact recordings of a highway’s substructure reveal an unearthly resonance. The continuous physical phenomenon is gently processed to explore electroacoustic practice with a contemplative urgency. The 40 minute arrangement pairs two channels of site-based improvisation into a time-altering minimal structure. ‘Shell Of A City’ releases in CS/DL format on Room40 on September 1, 2023 with a short film in collaboration with photographer Traianos Pakioufakis.

Listening Walk
Sept 30, 2023
Secret location
Limited capacity by RSVP

Lisa Lerkenfeldt presents a listening walk and readymade concert. With readings by Anuraag Bhatia, Autumn Royal and J. This event will open a dialogue to reflect on relationships with place, listening practices, and their constant redefinition and experimentation. In retracting the steps of Lisa's new composition 'Shell Of A City' guests will have the opportunity to listen to the sound source perform itself in a readymade concert.